
NameVariableValueUnitSpeed of light in a vacuumc299792458m/sPlanck’s constanth6.626070151034JsPlanck’s constanth4.135667871015eVsPlanck’s constant1.0545731034JsPlanck’s constant0.6582121015eVsThe Elemental Chargee1.6021766341019CBohr Radiusa05.291772109031011mElectron Massme9.10938370151031kgElectron Massme0.510998954MeV/c2Proton Massmp1.672621923691027kgProton Massmp938.272096MeV/c2Proton Massmp1836.15267343meNeutron Massmn1.674927498041027kgNeutron Massmn939.565428MeV/c2Neutron Massmn1838.68366173meBoltzmanns Constantk1.3806491023J/KBoltzmanns Constantk8.6173336333105eV/KAvogadros ConstantNA6.022140761023mol1Rydbergs ConstantRy22ma02Rydbergs ConstantRy13.6057eVRydbergs ConstantRy109737.32cm1The General Gas ConstantR8.314462618J/(molK)The Fine Structure Constantαe24πε0c=1137.036Dielectric Constant for Vacuumε00.8854191011As/VmPermeability of Vacuumμ01.25663706212106Vs/AmPermeability of Vacuumμ04π107Vs/AmThe Bohr MagnetonμBe2m=9.27401007831024Am2\def\arraystretch{1.5} \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline \textup{Name} & \textup{Variable} & \textup{Value} & \textup{Unit} \\\hline \textup{Speed of light in a vacuum} & c & 299\,792\,458 & \textup{m/s} \\ \textup{Planck's constant} & h & 6.626\,070\,15\cdot 10^{-34} & \textup{Js}\\ \textup{Planck's constant} & h & 4.135\,667\,87\cdot 10^{-15} & \textup{eVs}\\ \textup{Planck's constant} & \hbar & 1.054\,573\cdot 10^{-34} & \textup{Js}\\ \textup{Planck's constant} & \hbar & 0.658\,212\cdot 10^{-15} & \textup{eVs}\\ \textup{The Elemental Charge} & e & 1.602\,176\,634\cdot10^{-19} & \textup{C} \\ \textup{Bohr Radius} & a_0 & 5.291\,772\,109\,03\cdot10^{-11} & \textup{m} \\ \textup{Electron Mass} & m_e & 9.109\,383\,7015\cdot 10^{-31} & \textup{kg} \\ \textup{Electron Mass} & m_e & 0.510\,998\,954 & \textup{MeV/c$^2$} \\ \textup{Proton Mass} & m_p & 1.672\,621\,923\,69\cdot 10^{-27} & \textup{kg} \\ \textup{Proton Mass} & m_p & 938.272\,096 & \textup{MeV/c$^2$} \\ \textup{Proton Mass} & m_p & 1836.152\,673\,43 & m_e \\ \textup{Neutron Mass} & m_n & 1.674\,927\,498\,04\cdot 10^{-27} & \textup{kg} \\ \textup{Neutron Mass} & m_n & 939.565\,428 & \textup{MeV/c$^2$} \\ \textup{Neutron Mass} & m_n & 1838.683\,661\,73 & m_e \\ \textup{Boltzmanns Constant} & k & 1.380\,649\cdot 10^{-23} & \textup{J/K} \\ \textup{Boltzmanns Constant} & k & 8.617\,333\,6333\cdot 10^{-5} & \textup{eV/K} \\ \textup{Avogadros Constant} & N_A & 6.022\,140\,76\cdot 10^{23} & \textup{mol}^{-1} \\ \textup{Rydbergs Constant} & R_y & \frac{\hbar ^2}{2 m a_0^2} & \textup{} \\ \textup{Rydbergs Constant} & R_y & 13.6057 & \textup{eV} \\ \textup{Rydbergs Constant} & R_y & 109\,737.32 & \textup{cm}^{-1} \\ \textup{The General Gas Constant} & R & 8.314\,462\,618 & \textup{J/(mol}\cdot\textup{K)} \\ \textup{The Fine Structure Constant} & \alpha & \frac{e^2}{4\pi\varepsilon _0 \hbar c} = \frac{1}{137.036}& \textup{} \\ \textup{Dielectric Constant for Vacuum} & \varepsilon_0 & 0.885\,419 \cdot 10^{-11} & \textup{As/Vm} \\ \textup{Permeability of Vacuum} & \mu_0 & 1.256\,637\,062\,12\cdot 10^{-6} & \textup{Vs/Am} \\ \textup{Permeability of Vacuum} & \mu_0 & 4\pi \cdot 10^{-7} & \textup{Vs/Am} \\ \textup{The Bohr Magneton} & \mu_B & \frac{e \hbar}{2 m} = 9.274\,010\,0783 \cdot 10^{-24} & \textup{Am}^2 \\ \hline \end{array}